
Prof. Dominik Straumann and PD Dr Konrad Weber demonstrate how our products are used in everyday clinical practice in the following training videos.


Bilateral anterior canalolithiasis
(apogeotropic positional nystagmus in the Dix-Hallpike positions)

Forward somersault manoeuvre



How to use the vibrator to release trapped otoconia in a difficult case of BPPV?


Dix-Hallpike provocation manoeuvre – left posterior semicircular canal

Epley release manoeuvre with additional vibrations in the labyrinth – left posterior semicircular canal



Dix-Hallpike provocation manoeuvre – right posterior semicircular canal

Sémont release manoeuvre – right posterior semicircular canal



Provocation manoeuvre:
Dix-Hallpike and supine roll

Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre:
left and right posterior semicircular canal

Supine roll manoeuvre:
left and right horizontal semicircular canal



Subjective visual vertical (SVV) test, also subjective visual horizontal (SVH) test possible

See how an accurate SVV test with the Rotundum rotary chair and virtual reality (VR) goggles is performed. In this video, the patient is tilted by 30 degrees.



Lecture on BPPV diagnostics and therapy with 2-axis rotary chairs by Prof. D. Straumann.